Hey li’l bits and big bytes!
We’re at Episode 6, and this time we are getting into some tech “oops”es…and in line with the episode topic, I commit my own “oops” and incorrectly recall that Ramadan occurs in April, when in actuality, it starts in late May. Oops!
In this episode, we talk about video technologies, the precursor to Netflix, AOL (Jen’s favorite internet service provider), QR Codes, and various other failures.
As an aside, I always try to do my best to define any acronyms that are mentioned each episode, but I missed one. An “API” is an application programming interface. It’s purpose is to allow another program to have access to functions built into a piece of software. I’m making a note to discuss this further in my series on programming (a limited series that will be coming soon, so stay tuned).
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