Hey li’l bits and big bytes! We are up to our penultimate episode of Season 1, Number 14.
The Be Bitwise Crew is still going strong and having fun. This episode goes a little more in-depth as we discuss all the gadgetry that can become Internet-enabled. As usual we lay out the warnings to make sure you know the caveats of having these empowered devices. Additionally, we lay out some examples of some cool stuff that you can partake in, like interactive pet devices, kitchen-related tech, and luggage. Unfortunately, I am sad to report that the BlueSmart Luggage company featured in Jen’s segment has gone out of business due to restrictions on the battery sizes allowed in luggage.
We also take time to discuss an issue that some folks run into when signing up for social media and I challenge the team with a specially-written nerd/geek rom-com challenge. Let us know how you do as you play along.
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