Hey li’l bits and big bytes! It’s time for Season 2, and we are so glad to be back, bringing you our first new episode of 2019. We also introduce one of our newest co-hosts Cynthia.
We felt our break was just long enough for us to get through the holidays, take a breather, and find out which island Bevan disappeared to last year. This first episode is all about the ever-growing world of wearables.
We talk all about some of the biggest players in the market, including the Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy, and Fitbit series of devices. We go into the ins and outs of each and hopefully give you enough information to make an informed decision in case you are in the market for one of these items, especially as part of a New Year’s resolution.
We also do our usual geek challenge and discuss a upcoming vacation option for the conspiracy theorists of the world.
Remember that you can reach out to us on Facebook, on Twitter, and by email. And if you like what we are doing, leave us a review on Apple iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or TuneIn Radio so we can continue to deliver the content you want to hear.